Mahdi, the Promised, in Torah
The verses concerning the Redeemer have barely been mutilated and embezzled by the adversaries, among the holy scriptures of Judaism.
Some people have considered this action as a result of intense trend to the Redeemer issue, as ‘Harambam’ (Moshe Ben Meymun) one of the grandee and majors of Judaism says:
“Any Jew, who doesn’t believe in Massiahorantidates his arrival, actually controverts the remarks of Moses and other prophets of the Israelites. (1)
Some others though consider that neutrality and lack of nonintervention of these verses in Jewish rabbis’ and governors’ daily life is the main reason to their immunity against mutilation.
Some people believe that the factor which has kept them united during their whole mutable history is their faith in the arrival of the Redeemer, while some others consider this –relative immunity of the verses about End of the Time- as a divine miracle.
Whatever the reason would be, the conclusion is that we witness lots of phrases which appertain to the End of the Time, signs, and the Redeemer himself and even in some scriptures such as the Book of Psalms; one third of the book includes issues about End of the Time and signs of the Redeemer.
A number of these verses imply the arrival of prophet Jesus (PBUH) and corresponds to him very much. But analyzing the form and content of some antiquity verses, we encounter cases which incredibly and completely match with the issues concerning the Shia Redeemer, Imam Mahdi the Great (May God accelerate his arrival) in such case that there would be no doubt for any just human.
Among the quintet sections of Torah, in the Book of Genesis we have:
“God inspired to Abraham and said: I grant this earth to thy seed (generation), all of this earth before thouwill be granted to thee and thy seed forever.”(2)
Verses such as this has caused some Jews to consider the whole earth as their patrimony and according to the Zionistic thoughts extracted from these verses, invasion to other lands is allowed.
And in another case,addressing Abraham (PBUH) we have:
“I’ll extremely fecundate thou and make a large generation of thee; Kings will be born of thy seed.