The Philosophy of Long Occultation
We said that another question which is asked about the belief of Shiites about Mahdi (as) is the issue of his long occultation which is asked after accepting the matter of long life and that is:
?Why doesn’t Mahdi rise while corruption and oppression are available enough in the world
?Why doesn’t he move the world toward justice by his rise
How long should we sit and watch the scenes of oppression and bloodshed of a bunch of criminals
?Why has his occultation lasted so long
?In fact, what is he waiting for
?And finally, what is the secret of this long occultation
But it should be considered that although, this question is being asked from Shiites about the issue of occultation but it is recognized by a little notice that others also have a share of that; it means that, it points to other believers of the advent of a great universal peacemaker who should rise some day and fills the earth with justice in another form, however, the don’t accept the beliefof