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17 April 15 ، 17:21

?Who is Imam hussein

AL-Hussein Ibn Ali’s Biography

 In the house of the Holy Prophet, which presented the best image of both the worlds - the heavenand the earth - a child who benefited humanity as if he was Divine Impression reflecting the earth,was born on one of the nights of the month of Shaban. His father was Imam Ali, the best model ofkindness towards his friends and the bravest against the enemies of Islam, and his mother wasHazrat Fatimah, the only daughter and child of the Holy prophet who had as universally

acknowledged, inherited the qualities of her father. Imam Hussein, is the third Apostolic Imam. When the good news of his birth reachedthe Holy Prophet, he came to his daughter’s house, took the newly-born child in hisarms, recited adham and iqamah in his right and left ears respectively, and on the 7thday of his birth, after performing the rites of aqiqah, named him al-Hussein, incompliance with Allah’s command.  Hasan and Hussein, the two sons of the Holy Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib and Hazrat Fatimah,our Ladyof Light, were respected and revered as the ‘Leaders of the Youths of Paradise’ as stated by theHoly Prophet. The Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace be on him and his progeny, had openly prophesied that thefaith of Islam would be rescued by his second grandson Hussein, when Yazid, son of Muawiayh,would endeavour to destroy it.Yazid was known for his devilish character and brutish conduct. Hewas known as the most licentious of men. The people having known and understood the characterof Yazid, fromed a covenant by which Muawiyah could not appoint Yazid as his successor. Thisundertaking was given by Muawiyah to Imam Hasan from whom Muawiyah had snatched power. Muawiyah violated this undertaking and nominated Yazid who succeded his father. Immediately as he came to power, Yazid began acting in full accordance with his known character.He started interfering in the fundamentals of the faith and practised every vice and wickednessfreely with the highest degree of impunity and yet held himself out as the successor of the HolyProphet, demanding allegiance to himself as the leading guide of the faith. Paying allegiance toYazid was nothing short of acknowledging the devil as God. If a divine personality like the HolyImam Hussein had agreed to his authority, it would be actually recommending the devil to humanityin place of God. Yazid demanded allegiance from the Holy Imam Hussein, who could have never agreed to it at anycost. The people fearing death and destruction at the hands of the tyrant had yielded to him out offear. Imam Hussein said that come whatever may, he would never yield to the devil in place of Godand undo what his grandfather, the Holy Prophet had established. The refusal of the Holy Imam to pay allegiance to this fiend, marked the start of the persecution ofthe Holy Imam. as a result he had retired to Medina where he led a secluded life. Even here hewas not allowed to live in peace,and was forced to seek refuge in Mecca where also he was badlyharassed, and Yazid plotted to murder him in the very precincts of the great sanctuary of Karbalah. The people of Kufah getting tired of the tyrannic and satanic rule of Yazid,had written innumerableletters and sent emissaries to Imam Hussein to come over and give them guidance in faith.Although Imam Hussein knew the ultimate end of the invitations, he as the divinely chosen Imamcould not refuse to give the guidance sought for. When the Holy Imam with his encourage hadreached Karbala,his horse mysteriously stopped and would not move any further. Upon this the Holy Imam declared:‘This is the land , the land of sufferings and tortures.’ He alighted from his horse, and ordered his followers to encamp there saying:’Here shall we bemartyred and our childern be killed. Here shall our tents be burned and our family arrested. This isthe land about which my grandfather the Holy Prophet had foretold, and his prophecy will certainlybe fulfilled.’ On the 7th Muharram water supply to the Imam’s camp was cut and his torture of thirst and hungerstarted. The Holy Imam’s camp consisted of ladies, innocent chidlren including babies and somemale members of the Holy Prophet’s family;along with a samll band of some faithful friends of ImamHussein who had chosen to die with the Holy Imam, fighting against the devil for the cause of Allah. 

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