...we are waiting

why i am a shia muslim

...we are waiting

why i am a shia muslim

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17 April 15 ، 19:06

imam hussain in the final night

The final night

That night Hussain assembled his group, stressing to them that it was his life that Yazid wanted and that they might be able to escape. Again, Hussain’s selflessness shone through. There he stood, amongst his family and companions, all having been deprived of water in the scorching desert for three days, pleading with them to leave him and save themselves!
After a few days of this stalemate, the government forces were commanded to attack and kill Hussain and his companions. Hussain’s men were vastly outnumbered. One by one, they were killed, and the government forces massed .around Hussain, eventually killing him

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