...we are waiting

why i am a shia muslim

...we are waiting

why i am a shia muslim

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18 April 15 ، 17:12

Hazrat fatima:neighbors First

The child had made it a habit to rise regularly in the small hours of the night and join his mother in her nightly prayers called Tahajjud. He observed that his mother prayed for all Muslim men and women. She remembered them by name and prayer for their prosperity and well being.

O Allah, pardon them their sins and let Your grace embrace them in all their dealings.

On this particular morning, he decided to ask. When the prayers were over, he asked:

Mother, you pray for all every day. Not a word for yourself or any one in the family

Bibi Fatima, blessings and salutations to her, said: 'O Hasan, remember one thing. Neighbors first and then the house.'

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