...we are waiting

why i am a shia muslim

...we are waiting

why i am a shia muslim

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religion of the world, we sometimes see a disturbing deviation within the Muslim Ummah. Forget society, forget those who are converting and reverting, forget those who are just introducing themselves to Islam. I'm talking about us: those born and raised into Muslim families and taught the values of Islam and the teachings of the Prophets and Imams (peace be upon them). For everything that we have been taught and nurtured with, we find ourselves constantly doubting the actions we perform and the teachings we follow. But Islam stands to be a religion of logic, from the time ofMuhammad, and it will remain so till the mountains crumble, the Earth flattens, and the final trumpet is blown.

One of the most asked questions within our community today is, ‘Why do we have to pray?’ More often than not, we see arrogance taking over people's minds, boasting that there is no need for prayer. And if they do pray, it is ritualistically and taken very lightly.

So people ask, why do we have to pray? And I only respond, ‘

Do you not find it worthy to thank Him, the One who has given you everything, and the One Who can take all that away from you if He so wishes overnight?’

In understanding why we pray, there are several factors that need to be understood first, before coming to the essence of prayer itself. The first is understanding and believing that there is a Hereafter, a life after death, one more permanent and Just by the Grace of

Allah. For all the injustices and crimes caused in this world, there must be a time of exposing the truth. In accepting the faith of Islam, we have accepted that there will be a Hereafter, and that this world is only transitory.

So knowing that, we also understand that we must send our deeds forth, to serve as a light and support on the Day of Reckoning, where we will be held accountable for all that we have done in this world. We know that everything we do here will either form benefits or punishment in the afterlife. It is all about prioritizing and being prepared.

Allah does not need our prayers, so the question of prayer still remains. But if only we understood that the power of

prayer is such that, though we gift it to Allah, for all His Mercy and Blessings, He gifts it back, allowing it to serve as the beacon guiding us on that Day when no wealth, money, or children, will stand beside us.

Have we ever thought of how busy our lives are? We are either rushing to go to work, to finish assignments, to do chores, and to have life sorted out; we are constantly on the run! Have we ever imagined that if Allah wanted, we could lose our job? We could lose our

?family? Our ability to function and think

It is due to His Grace that we get up in the morning, and it is due to His Grace that we sleep at night.

In this world, we openly believe in the moral values of thanking someone when they do us a favor or help us in some way. So why is it one rule for the people and another rule for the Supreme Power? Is it not Him we are answerable to? Yet we tend to care what people think of us more.

So if we accept our morals and values, and the basic service to humanity, then we must also accept that we have to thank Allah for the gift of breathing, talking, and

walking. We must thank Him for every ability we have – because we know and are fully aware, that all of it can be taken from us in a matter of seconds. And what better way to thank Him than the form of prayer

In making it mandatory, Allah has only done us a favor, so that we may continue adding to our good deeds, as remembering Him is a Mercy in itself and also rewarding for us.

As we stand at the designated time in front of our Lord and raise our hands to attest that

God is Truly Great, we affirm our acknowledgement of His Supremacy, His Bounties, and His Power. What better way to thank He Who Created Us and gave us everything

In our busy lives with our never-ending agendas, it is nothing short of beneficial for us to stop everything we are doing at that precise moment in time when the call of Ibrahim is echoed throughout the world, and praise Him Who gave us the ability to wake up that morning, and He who granted us the honor of being raised in a religion that promotes direct communication with the Creator.

Thank Him, because thanking Him through compulsory prayer five times a day is sowing the seeds of reward that we will reap on that Day when none other than our deeds shall come to our aid.


Author: Rumina Hassan


۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ 19 April 15 ، 02:39

t is narrated from Imam Sadiq (A.S) that a Jew asked the holy prophet (PBUH): “Whether you are superior or the prophet Moses to whom God used to speak and had revealed Torah to him and had made his walking stick a miracle and had split the sea for him and had always shadowed him under the clouds?”‌

The holy prophet (PBUH)told the Jew: “Indeed a person should not boast and consider his own self as superior to others nevertheless the truth is that when Adam committed a mistake by his own freewill and wanted to seek forgiveness he prayed: “My God! I implore You to forgive me for the sake of the rights of Muhammad and Ale Muhammad on You.”‌ Then God forgave him. Similarly when prophet Noah (A.S) was afraid of storm and feared that his ark may sink, he prayed: “My God! I implore You to save me for the sake of the rights of Muhammad and Ale Muhammad, then God saved him from drowning. Similarly when Abraham (A.S) was thrown into the fire he prayed: “My God! I implore You to save me from fire for the sake of the rights of Muhammad and Ale Muhammad, then God saved him from the fire and made it cool and safe.

And when Moses had thrown his walking stick which became a python, he was afraid of the python and prayed: “My God! I implore You to protect me from this python for the sake of the rights of Muhammad and Ale Muhammad, then God said: “Don’t be afraid you are the superior one.”‌

Ye Jew! If Moses were present now without believing in my prophethood, his faith would not benefit him nor his prophet hood.”‌

Ye Jew! Imam al Mahdi (A.S) will emerge from my posterity and Jesus, son of Maryam, shall be sent by God to assist him. Jesus (A.S) will advance him to lead the congregation prayers and shall pray behind Imam Mahdi (A.F). (Amali e Sheikh Sadooqh P.287 4/320)

۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ 19 April 15 ، 02:34

?What Does It Mean to Wait for the Return of Imam Mahdi

To wait for the return of Imam Mahdi means:

A) To get to know Imam Mahdi, as the innocent establisher of justice and the pioneer of faith.

B) To have faith in Imam Mahdi being the Imam and our divine and just leader.

C) To have love for justice and for human values.

D) To have hope in a bright future.

E) To try to establish the rule of justice.

F) To be committed to the rules of religion and morality.

G) To have the spirit of commitment and accepting responsibilities.

To wait for the return of Imam Mahdi is considered as the best prayer of all, and such a believer has a high position and if he dies while Imam Mahdi is absent, he will have the dignity of those who are there after the return of Imam Mahdi and fight for him and for God.

An important point to mention is that it is true that it is not our duty to try to meet Imam Mahdi, as some scholars believe that this is very unlikely to happen and even if it does, it happens to people like Moghaddas Ardabili only, and not to ordinary people, no matter how good and religious they are.  But it is different to meet with Imam Mahdi than to be in contact with him. Our duty is to be in contact with Imam Mahdi and to say the Nodbeh Prayer, Ziarat Al Yasin Prayer, Ahd Prayer, Imam Mahdi’s prayer, and to go to Jamkaran in order to keep this contact with Imam and in order to pray for his material and spiritual problems to get solved.

Translated by: Sadroddin Mus

۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ 19 April 15 ، 02:27

Imam Al-Mahdi, the Promised Saviour

The belief in the Mahdi is not only an essential doctrine deep-rooted in Islamic faith but rather it is an embodiment of human nature regardless of one’s religious affiliations. For it is the universal desire of humans as a whole to try to achieve or at least witness the realisation of the ultimate objective of their existence, through which they will achieve perfection and social happiness in their entirety. Therefore by reason of inner necessity and inspiration, humans will see a day when society will be replete with justice.

More importantly, from a religious perspective the concept of the Mahdi is the culmination of human struggle in their path towards God the Almighty. It is when true Justice will be established through human hands but with Divine succour resulting in the prevalence of truth over falsehood and all its offshoots.

Certainly those fortunate and blessed individuals who will take part in this grand culmination of servitude, which will result in the prevalence of Truth over all forms of falsehood will be those whose conviction in the Mahdi and the promised day is resolute.

We therefore have to be mindful of what we do and should endeavour in making our souls pure by nourishing them with the Divine light thus making our souls the abode for Allah and his beloved angels. Spiritual perfection should be our goal and if there is any doubt as to whether the Imam is aware of our acts and is overlooking the welfare of his followers, a saying by the Imam should suffice;

‘We have not ignored your consideration, and have not forgotten your mention; otherwise hardship would have descended upon you and your enemies would have exterminated you.’ [Bihar Al-Anwaar, Ch. 53, Pg. 175]

The Imam is therefore watching over our affairs and is patiently awaiting our response to his call. The matter regarding the return of the Imam is not one simply related to awaiting a time frame chosen by the Almighty Allah, rather in accordance to the narration from the Prophet (PBUH), it has a direct relationship with our own actions, as he says; ‘The best of actions is awaiting Al-Faraj (the return)’

Source: aimislam.com

۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ 19 April 15 ، 02:24

Those people who Expect Imam Mahdi should do the following

· To Be in Contact with the Other People who Are Waiting for the Return of Imam Mahdi

People who are waiting for Imam Mahdi to return know that Imam’s program is an international one and that he needs a lot of companions in order for his movement to be victorious. Therefore, those who are waiting for the return of Imam Mahdi keep their contacts with the other believers and try to increase the number of Imam Mahdi’s lovers. Being in contact with other believers adds to people’s spirituality and as said in Qur’an,

“Help you one another in Al-Birr and At-Taqwa (virtue, righteousness and piety).”‌ (Al-Ma’idah: 2)

·  To Pray for Imam Mahdi to come back sooner

The true believers expect their beloved one every second and they ask God to bring him back as soon as possible. Therefore, one of the duties of the believers is to pray for the return of Imam Mahdi all the time.

·  To Give Alms

People should give alms with the intention of Imam Mahdi’s health. This pleases God and causes him to accept people’s religious deeds.

·  To be hopeful

People need to have hope in the battle and in the revolution of Imam Mahdi and they should take this hope to others too.

· To Always be Prepared to Fight for Imam Mahdi

As stated in a saying, each person should be prepared for fighting for Imam Mahdi, even if it contains the use of a single arrow only.

That is why they true believers should take part in Basij.

· To be Sorrowful, Because of the Inability to Meet Imam Mahdi

It is said in the Nodbeh prayer, “It is difficult for me to see the people and not to see you and not to hear what you say evidently and latently.”‌

Because those who are expecting Imam Mahdi cannot see him, they read the Nodbeh Prayer, the Al Yasin Prayer, the Ahd Prayer, Imam Mahdi’s prayer, and they go to the Jamkaran mosque to keep their contact with him and ask God to help Imam Mahdi solve his material and spiritual problems.

Translated by: Sadroddin Musawi 

۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ 19 April 15 ، 02:19

Blessing of Having Imam of the Time

Having Imam of the Time is of valuable spiritual blessings of God we do not appreciate enough. He does not exclusively belong to any certain group but to the entire mankind. He intermediates divine blessings. Everything anyone has is due to his being but most people do not know him and are not in connection with him.

One reason for this great loss is that people do not know the Imam properly and miss the real meaning of respecting him.

By properly recognizing him as watching our deeds, we never do what he despises and on the other hand those lacking this recognition refer to their inner negligence and commit many sins.

They are referents of the following tradition:

“Whoever dies without knowing the Imam of his time, has died in negligence.”‌

Another reason for committing sins while aware of the presence God and Imam of the time is our carelessness. We know God and Imam of the time and feel their presence. Despite recognizing the Imam and trying not to be away from him, we do things that cause God and the Imams to be unsatisfied with us. This is due to our carelessness. We should do something to prevent this carelessness.

Translated by: Sadroddin Musawi

۰ Comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 19 April 15 ، 02:15

Getting to Know Imam Mahdi

The first condition for the people who are waiting for Imam Mahdi is to get to know him. People do not wait for someone unless they know him and are aware of his good features. People wait for those whom they know well. Even if they know that someone is coming and they do not know him, they do not care and they do not wait for him. The same is true about those who are waiting for Imam Mahdi to come. Those who do not know him, like pagans and followers of other religions, never wait for him. But those do, who know him and are aware of his virtues and good characteristics.

Therefore, the first condition for those who are waiting for Imam Mahdi is that they get to know him.

 Of course people get to know the value and greatness of Imam Mahdi more, when they get to know him more and this will cause their thirst for seeing him to increase, while people, who are not aware of the value of Imam Mahdi, never feel the passion for meeting him. Therefore, they cannot be considered among those who are truly waiting for the return of Imam Mahdi.

Translated by: Sadroddin Musawi

۰ Comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 19 April 15 ، 02:12

?How Do the Companions of Imam Mahdi Join Him

According to the sayings, the companions gather around miraculously from faraway and close places at a night or in a morning in Mecca and they join Imam Mahdi there.

Imam Ali quotes from Prophet Muhammad in this regard, “God brings together the companions of Mahdi in Mecca, from east and west, in a blink of an eye.”‌

According to Imam Baqir, the companions of Mahdi get to Mecca miraculously and they join Imam Mahdi there.

The Presence of Women among the Companions of Imam Mahdi

Women too, are present among the companions of Imam Mahdi and they work as nurses. Different numbers have been mentioned in different sayings in regards to the women. According to a saying by Imam Sadiq there are thirteen nurses among the companions of Imam Mahdi, who take care of the injured and the sick. The name of nine of them has been mentioned in this saying. Some other sayings have talked about fifty women among the companions of Imam Mahdi, who work as nurses and aid the warriors of Islam. A greater number has been mentioned in some other sayings. That is probably because these sayings are about the women who accompany Imam Mahdi after his battle and they aid his army.

Translated by: Sadroddin Musawi

۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ 19 April 15 ، 02:07

?Who Are the Companions and the Helpers of Imam Mehdi


The Companions of Imam Mahdi:

The companions of Imam Mehdi are special people with exceptional talents, who join Imam Mehdi in the first hours after his appearance. They form the primary core for the international battle of Imam Mehdi. They are the people who both start Imam Mehdi’s battle with their presence, and become the advisers and ministers of him after the victory of the battle and they will be responsible for a lot of tasks then. Imam Mehdi will conquer the world with their help and he will establish justice all over the world.

These people are called “The Companions of Imam Mehdi”‌ in the sayings of Imams. They, in comparison to the other followers of Imam Mehdi, have a superior position and are more honored. They will also have more important and more sensitive duties in the government of Imam Mehdi.

The Helpers of Imam Mehdi:

The helpers of Imam Mehdi are among those who support him after his appearance and they join his army. This means all the people who join Imam Mehdi after the battle starts. There are three groups among the helpers that join the army of Imam Mehdi gradually:

1. The first group consists of those who join Imam Mehdi after he appears and the news of his battle reach Mecca. After Imam Mehdi appears and these people join him, he starts his battle and leaves Mecca for Medina.

2. The second group consists of all the believers, who join the army of Imam Mehdi in the way and fight against the enemies of God.

3.The third group consists of the forces and armies that join Imam Mehdi from far and close places in order to fight against the army of Sofiani and to support Imam Mehdi’s battle.

Translated by: Sadroddin Musawi

۱ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ 19 April 15 ، 02:04

The title of Imam Mahdi "Al-Qa’im" (The Riser): Part 3

Now, contemplate; how can this tradition””whose narrator is the champion of fabrication””be relied upon in opposition to those firm fundamentals and hundreds of reliable traditions

As for the reason for employing the title "Al-Qa’im" for the Imam of the Age (may Allah hasten his return): "Al-Qa’im" means "the one who rises." The Imam shall rise against political conditions and religious and social deviations and fill the world with justice and equity after it had become filled with injustice and oppression. Additionally, the issue of rising with the 

۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ 19 April 15 ، 01:52

The title of Imam Mahdi "Al-Qa’im" (The Riser): Part 1

QUESTION: As everyone knows, one of the titles of the Mahdi (may Allah hasten his return) is "Al-Qa’im" (The Riser). A tradition has been related regarding the reason for his being given this title that requires contemplation, since it apparently indicates that this title was given because that personage will reappear after death. Yet we have over approximately one thousand traditions regarding that personage, his occultation, and long life, in view of which that tradition cannot be relied upon. However, if some clarifications about its narrators, text, 

۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ 19 April 15 ، 01:43

The Era of Patience

O impatient ones! Allah (SWT) will not become hurried in regards with the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (PBUH) due to the hurry and rush of people…”‌

Believing in a saviour and his mission of settling the affairs of humanity is an accepted concept among all Divine religions, and mankind has been long waiting for the fulfilment of this aim.

This agenda (removing oppression from the earth and establishing a just government) is a huge project and a fundamental element of Allah’s (SWT) plan for future of all societies. However, for this purpose to be fulfilled, intellectual and mental growth is essential. 

۰ Comment موافقین ۰ مخالفین ۰ 19 April 15 ، 01:37

Imam Mahdi (A.S) and the Wahabbis

After propounding the Qur'an and traditional arguments there remains no doubt amongst the Muslims, irrespective of his religion either Sunni, Shiite, Wahabi or non-Wahabi, regarding the belief in imam al-Mahdi (A.S) and it is proved beyond doubt that it is a genuine Islamic belief, but since the Wahabi sect is having a very narrow-minded belief about some of the concepts of Islam hence from its very inception, it has been a butt of rebuke from the Muslim scholars, therefore we analyze in this brief study Wahabis point of view about imam al-Mahdi (A.S). In fact the following proofs will clarify that like other Muslim scholars Wahabi Scholars also believe in the existence of al-Mahdi (Mahdaviyat) and they regard this belief as the climax of 

۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ 19 April 15 ، 01:31

(Al-Siddiqah (The Honest

We have already mentioned that one of Fatima’s names was Siddiqah. This word means a woman with scrupulous honesty or sincerity.

Siddiqah differs from the word Sadooq, in that the first is scrupulous and precise in telling facts. Furthermore, several other meanings have been given to the word Siddiqah;

۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ 19 April 15 ، 01:25

(Hazrat Fatimah (s.a), the Link between Prophet Hood and Imamate (Part 2

(Her Relationship with the Holy Prophet (PBUH

According to Sunni sources 'Ayshah said ''I had not been seen any one who was more resembling the Messenger of Allah in his speech, conduct and manners as Fatimah; when she used to enter (his house) he would stand up for her, take her hand and kiss it and make her sit in his sitting place; and when he used to enter (her house) she would stand up for him, take his hand and kiss it and make him sit in her 

۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ 19 April 15 ، 01:19