...we are waiting

why i am a shia muslim

...we are waiting

why i am a shia muslim

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As the successor of the Prophet (PBUH), Imam Ali informs people of an absent Imam from among his descendents who will make world full of justice and remove injustice.

How beautiful it is to combine the event of Ghadir with the words of Imam Ali on his grandson Mahdi.1. ForgivingHe is so forgiving2. ShelterHe is a strong shelter3. Ideal of the good-doersWhoever comprehends him will find him a glorious light which is an ideal for good-doer 4. Savior of the MankindHe breaks all chains and terminates the exploitation of man by man5. Justice ExpanderImam Ali (PBUH) told his son Hussein (PBUH): “O Hussein! The ninth of your children is a righteous revolutionary. He clarifies the religion and expands justice.”‌6. RejoicingThe crowds on earth and heaven are rejoiced by his coming7. Reward for Steadfast believers“There will be a long absence for our Imam and beware, those steadfast in their religion whose hearts never darkens by his long absence, they will be on my side in the heaven on the Judgment Day”‌8. Praying for Him“O God! Make his occultation and reappearance the end for all sadness and remove all difference and enmity by him”‌.Ghadir means swearing allegiance to Imamate for which Ali (PBUH) is the symbol and Mahdi is the last.There is a basic question here:Are we ready to accept the Imam of the Time or our benefits and lust makes us lose the way?!Are we among those preparing for the green and beautiful future through knowledge and self-education?Translated by: Sadroddin Musawi

۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ 17 April 15 ، 18:37
 the Battle of Jamal, when the people of Basra were defeated and escaped away, the soldiers of Islam followed them. Amidst the fight and flee a pregnant woman from Basra was struggling hard to escape. She fell on the ground and died along with her instantly born child. When they reported this touching incident to Imam Ali (A.S), he became very upset. The Imam summoned his husband. In his presence, Imam Ali (A.S) asked the witnesses:
 ?Who died first, mother or the childchil-
. They said: New born child died earl.
:The Imam issued the following orde:
“Pay two-third of the blood money for the child and half of the blood money of the woman to her husband, and one-third of the blood money of the child and half of the blood money of the woman to her relatives.”1
Although the people of Basra set up an uprising and killed 500 companions of Imam Ali (A.S) before the breakout of war, they were defeated. Although the defeated armies and people in all wars are not given any rights and choice, Imam Ali (A.S) who is a perfect example of humanity, observed the rights of his enemies and became upset with such an incident as the death of a woman and her child at war.
The above incident indicates that Islam respects the rights of the defeated enemy and instructs Muslims to treat the enemy fairly.
Translated by: Sadroddin Musawi
1. Sheikh Tousi, Tahzib al-Ahkam, Vol. 8; Koleini, Forou’ Kafi, P. 354
۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ 17 April 15 ، 17:52

If we consider  human being and his/her existential structure in terms of both physical and mental aspects and consequently have a look at the  hidden motivations and various desires in his/her character and essence which is called ‘Nature’, we can easily understand that one of the strongest, biggest and highest desires within him/her is the ‘sexual desire’; a desire which can easily be a source of many big and  unforgivable sins and transform the human being’s happy and enduring life into a life full of misery and pestilence if it is not controlled in a correct way.

۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ 17 April 15 ، 17:45

In the name of god
Who is Zahra shall dawn on Doomsday
Enemies of her enemies in divine pardon sway,
Friends of her enemies shall contrite in dismay;
.Today’s tears shed in her love tomorrow pay
What is Zahra? First let us know
 To acquire a letter angle to peep into her woe,
If the prophets placed in one pan and she in another
.Imam Sadiq says the pan of Zahra weighs heavier
From a higher station to a lower station
If a thing given from his own possession
It is called ‘ATA’ in Arabic decorum
.So Says God in Qur'an in the shortest sum
How dear is Zahra to God, shows this chapter,
.And remarks her worth to her Father -- the Messenger
Her Father had not yet been buried,
.They to avenge their broken idols to Saqifa hurried
!What Monsters in the lane appear
!Ah fear! Ah frantic fear
Dangerous! Even for those of giant limbs mold
Can a lady with tender heart tolerate to behold
!He round after round in his hideous form
Howling, shouting, making wilder the wild storm
Stood like a loose hanging rock
Remitting to the sight a paralyzing shock,
Sea the rattling terrors of the vengeful make
!!!And know how his belief false, his faith fake
He never seems tired of his tyrannical sway
.And seems to him it is a festive day
Ruffians and rowdies gathered more and more
.Like a loud torrent and a whirlwind’s roar
But the ringleader wants a larger pile,
.Exults, and says fire alone could make him smile
He ordered: “Bring fuel, wood and set fire”‌;
.The rascals obeyed fanned by strong desire
Their hearts like torpid rocks (in pagan) array
.The winters of their souls chilled their belief astray
,No zephyr of faith sued their rocky breast
A glare, a balm which their hatred awaited to invest
,In the wilderness lost, they built their shed
In the ruin where their souls were dead
Pleased the rowdies their diabolical power
Made them to dance forgetful of the noontide hour
Whose House it was the vulgar didn’t care,
The Cries of Zahra fell low
As the flames from the house grow,
The ringleader in sprightly spirit, in mirth, ease
.Pleased with himself and the deed dazzled to please
Each ball of sight seemed bursting from his head
.And shook with dread at the sound himself had made
The tyrant cheerful at his deed in a proud pose
Breasts the smoke, waves the sword and goes
And carries the den of curses along the way
Ashes drag the struggling savage day
She betwixt door and the wall fell bleeding
.As Fizzah the maid came running
Ah! What sorrows bloom to gloom the day
.Life from its native walk shrinks away
Shudder the near ones because to them a distant deep
The remote ones on pilgrimage wept, return again to weeps.
Miscarried Mohsen -- unborn died
What the mother felt? Falling at his side,
!O, you! The Babe of early doom
Aerial hands shall build your tomb.
With the pearls of tears crowned
And all Infant Martyrs round,
You aren’t dead in any age
Pilgrims shall recite in Qur'an your page,
Honour beheld in tears shall save
To sigh your name thro’ every grave,
Wherever you are laid
.There bows heroes’ shade
Though fallen she turns her joyless eyes
To search where her Mohsen lies,
Since then Zahra felt as if on thorn
.And haying lost nightly rest wept till morn
Even the beasts wept on their way as they pursue
.Shrill roared the wind, made melancholy the view
Ah! Lady! I leave your tale with words so few
.Upsets me the tyranny committed against you

۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ 17 April 15 ، 17:34

AL-Hussein Ibn Ali’s Biography

 In the house of the Holy Prophet, which presented the best image of both the worlds - the heavenand the earth - a child who benefited humanity as if he was Divine Impression reflecting the earth,was born on one of the nights of the month of Shaban. His father was Imam Ali, the best model ofkindness towards his friends and the bravest against the enemies of Islam, and his mother wasHazrat Fatimah, the only daughter and child of the Holy prophet who had as universally

۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ 17 April 15 ، 17:21

Why iranian burn obelisko

one of the actions that the Iranian young Muslims have done in the past three years is BurningobeliskThere has been a lot of questions about this action from the beginning and it has many reaso Inthis article after introducing obelisk as a symbol and studying it's status in the world and in somereligions ,the reasons of it's burning will be explained so that the questions about it can be fullyanswer

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In the name of allah

?Why Do Iranians Burn Obelisks
In February 2011, young Iranians astounded the world by a move that no one had even thoughtabout in the entire world.On the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution of Iran on the lOnd of February 2011, an obeliskwas burnt as a symbol of SatanThis great move in the recent years was followed by a larger reflection and made the Iranianyouth a symbol for the whole wide world.
But what was the Cause of this Move and why is Iran its Origin?
To answer this question, one should examine what obelisk represents among Muslims, becauseIran is an Islamic country and Islam leads the direction of its movement.
Ramy aI-Jamarat – Stoning of the Devi/
The answer lies within an event that took place many years ago, when Prophet Abraham (AS)was ordered by Allah to sacrifice his son Ishmael (according to the Holy Bible, the sacrifice wasIsaac). Abraham (AS) trusted God and walked towards the altar with his son. This was a test forthem so that a bright future would be given to them as a reward. Therefore, Satan was terrifiedof the Divine gift of God and tried to prevent them from executing God s  Will; Satan appearedthree times in three different locations in front of Abraham, to defeat him using his weakness asa father. But the prophet, who had a firm faith in God's Will and no word but that of God s  hadan effect on him, each time, threw seven pebbles Uamara at Satan (this act is called ramy a/-jamarat) and took refuge in God. Thus, he successfully passed the test from God and God gaveIshmael back to him and gave him the Imamate reward by blessing him with "Ishmael", and toldhim "I will give you a holy generation through Ishmael so that my rules would be executed on".earth by themGenesis chapter 17 verse 21: And as for Ishmael, I have heard thee; behold, I have blessed him,and will make him fruitful, and will multiply him exceedingly; twelve princes shall he beget, and Iwill make him a great nation.This action is called Ramy aI-Jamara
۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ 17 April 15 ، 15:50

In The Name of god of jesus and muhammad and mosesmoses.      

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Omary as his deputy for a while. He was from his paternal tribe and was the reliable person to him. Imam through him answered the shi’ites questions. After Othman Ibn-e Sa’eed, his son Mohammad Ibn-e Othman Omary was appointed as Imam’s deputy. When he passed away, Abul Qasim Hossein Ibn-e Ruh Nobakhti was Imam’s special deputy, and after him, Ali Ibn_e Mohammad Samary was Imam’s deputy. Some days before Samary’s death (Which occurred in 329 AH), Imam informed him that he would die during 6-day- time after which there would be no other chance for the other person to be Imam’s next deputy. Besides, It was mentioned that the Major occultation would occur and it period would last until the day on which God would permit it to be ended and Imam would manifest. According to above decree Imam Zaman (May God hasten his glad advent)’s occultation is divided into two parts: The Minor Occultation, which started from 260 A.H and ended in 329 A.H and it lasted about seventy years. The Major Occultation, which started from 329 A.H and will last as long as God desires. One of the human’s psychological whishes and desires is hoping to have a brighter future filled with the happiness and success. To hope for a brighter and better future is not enough either. It has been created on the basis of a special aim and motivation and it is not exclusively restricted to the special nation or a tribe and it is a universal issue for which the people all around the world wish and seek. As a psychological principle, this matter exists among all the men and nations and can not be denied. The Islam religion has organized human’s innate instincts and it guides them to the special path so that they can go through the Divine perfection and will be immune from any deviation. Therefore; waiting and hoping for the better future is a constant reason for one’s perfection and it has been always advised by Islam. Islam religion advises all of the Muslims to follow the righteous guidance because the happiness and prosperity of mankind is only possible under the shadow of the Islamic government. Outside Masjid Sahla (Kufa, Iraq). The 12th Imam [a] is said to frequent this mosque IMAM MAHDI’S VIATICUM AND RETURN ACCORDING TO THE ISLAMIC NARRATIONS There are some narrations about Imam Mahdi’s viaticum and return (from the Holy Prophet (SW) and the other innocent Imams). The honorable Holy Prophet (SW) states: “The best deed of my followers is to wait for Imam’s advent which is God’s demand.” Imam Sadiq (Pbuh) states: “ Who ever dies among you while waiting for Imam’s advent is like the one who has been with Imam in his camp.” In some of the Islamic narrations, waiting has been accompanied with patience and resistance. This means that the ones, who are waiting for Imam, must be tolerant and resistant during the period of Major Occultation. By searching in these narrations one would realize that the term “ waiting “ does not mean that one must behave indifferently and obey the wrong-doers, but it rather is the motivation for effort, resistance against the deviations, cruelties and unfairness. The Holy Prophet (SW)states: “ Waiting along with patience and resistance shall be considered as praying.” Inside Maqam Sahib al-Zamaan [a] THE WAITING FOR RELIEF AND TO STRIVE ALONG WITH THE FAIR VIRTUE AND TO AVOID FROM THE SIN Some of the Islamic narrations are on waiting along with striving, good manner and fair virtue. We realize (from the contents of these narrations) that those who are really waiting for Imam Mahdi (May God hasten his glad advent) must be the symbol of righteousness, virtuousness and Islamic manners. It goes without saying that the Imam Mahdi’s real followers always continue his way through their suitable deeds and behaviors. There are so many narrations in this regard. Imam Sadiq (Pbuh) states: “He who chooses the believers’ way of life, should wait and seek to avoid sinful deeds and possess good manner. Then, if he dies (in this manner) and Imam comes, he will be rewarded like the one who has met Imam Mahdi (May God hasten his glad advent) in his lifetime. So, do your best and keep waiting for him. May it be enjoyable for you! The ones who have been blessed by the divine bestowal.” One of the most outstanding attributes of the real believer is his belief in Imam Mahdi and is constantly waiting for him. Consequently; the one’s waiting who is not sure about Imam’s advent and denies it, will signify nothing. Certainly, campaigning against corruption and development of just systems the world over will be among Imam’s important aims. Imam Sadiq (Pbuh) states: “ Good for the ones who wait for Imam Mahdi (May God Hasten his glad advent). The ones who are waiting for him at the time of his occultation. They will obey Imam and follow him when he appears. They are real believers” .The ones who would wait for Imam Mahdi are considered as Martyr or Mojahid(a person who fight for God & religion). We hope that someday our dear Imam (God hasten his glad advent) will appear and lighten the eyes of those believers who are waiting for him by his illuminating face. Amen

۰ Comment موافقین ۱ مخالفین ۰ 17 April 15 ، 15:38