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...we are waiting

why i am a shia muslim

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In the name of god the beneficient the merciful

Knowledge is better than wealth

Many people ringed imam Ali. A man entered the mosque and the opportunity asked:Ali! I have a question. Knowledge is better or wealth? Imam Ali said: knowledge is better because knowledge is prophets‘  heritage and wealth and property are shadad and gharoon and pharaoh and haman‘s legacy. A man who was answered his question fell silent. 

At the same time, another man entered the mosque as he  had stood immediately asked: Abalhasan! I have a question, can I ask? Imam answered him: ask! The man at the end of crowd asked: science is better or wealth? Imam Ali said: Knowledge is better because knowledge can save you, but you have to hold wealth.A second person who was convinced about his question , where he had stood he sat. 

Meanwhile, a third man came in, he repeated the same question, and imam said: knowledge is better  because it brings the scientist many friends, but wealth brings the rich person many enemies. 

The imam`s saying had not ended that  the fourth person entered the mosque. While he was siting with his friends, he put his crutches forward and asked: Ali! Knowledge is beter or wealth? Imam Ali said: knowledge is better because if you spend it becomes less but if you give knowledge and teach it to others it becomes more. 

It was the fifth turn. He had already entered the mosque and he had waited next to the pillar of the mosque as soon as finishing imam speak he asked the same question. Imam Ali said in response to him: Knowledge is better because people imagine the rich and wealthy curmudgeon, but scientists are called great. 

As soon as entering sixth person the heads back, people looked at him in surprise. One of the crowd said he also wants to know which of these is better knowledge or wealth! Those who had heard his voice, smiled. The man sat near his friends at the end of crowd and started to speak loudly: Ali! Knowledge is better or wealth? Imam looked at crowd and said: Knowledge is better because a thief may steal property but there is no fear of science robbery. The man became silent. Hullabaloo fell among the people, what is happening? Why a same question is asked? People sometimes looked at imam and sometimes at newcomers. 

Meanwhile that the words of imam Ali were finished the seventh man who had entered and had sat among the crowd asked: Abalhashan! Knowledge is better or wealth? Imam raise his hand to mark of silence and said: knowledge is better because wealth becomes old over time but knowledge will not rot after many time.    The man got up slowly and sat with his friends then slowly got to his friends and said: It is not vain that the prophet said: I am the city of knowledge and Ali is its door. Whatever we ask him he is ready to answer. It is better that people have satirized us more, tell the others don`t come. A man who have sat beside him said: what is turn out? Maybe he can`t answer and he will ashamed among people and we reach our goal. A man who have sat away said: if he answers then we are ashamed. The man said with comfort carido we must fail him.       At the same time the eighth man came and asked and Imam said again: knowledge is better because wealth remains only in life but science is with human both in life and afterlife.  

Silence surrounds the house. Nobody said nothing.All of the crowd were surprised of imam`s answers.

The nine person entered the mosque and with the consternation of the people asked: Ali! Knowledge is better or wealth? Imam smiled and said: knowledge is better because wealth changes people to heartless but science creates light in the heart.

Surprised and confused look of people were at the door like they expected the tenth man. Meanwhile a person who had a child`s hand in his hand entered the mosque. He sat at the end of  crowd and shed a handful of dates on the child`s skirt and looked at face. People that thought nobody would not ask, turn their head that man asked: abalhasan! knowledge is better or wealth? Knowledge is better because the richs have arrogance that may think they are God but owners of science are humble.

Hullabaloo and shouting of joy and admiration of people had filled the house. They slowly and quietly went from the crowd. When they left the mosque they heard the imam`s voice that he was saying: if all of the world`s people asking me this one question I answer to each one differently.  

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