...we are waiting

why i am a shia muslim

...we are waiting

why i am a shia muslim

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19 April 15 ، 03:08

who is imam hussein

People of Kufa wrote letters to Imam Hosein and invited him to their city to be their leader but when Hosein arrived, people wore their battle clothes, and surrounded Hosein and his family, and did not let them drink water ... Hosein's Brother, Abbas , went into enemies, killed many and filled the water-skin, but in return, yazid's army shoot rain of arrows toward him, and cut his both hands ... when Imam Hosein came on his body, Abbas asked his brother not to bring back his body because he do not want to be shameful in front of thirsty children of Hosein

Imam Hossein wasnts water For his little baby but kill them .He was just 6 months old

Son Imam Hassan (brother of Imam Hussein)killed .He was only 13 years ol

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