...we are waiting

why i am a shia muslim

...we are waiting

why i am a shia muslim

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21 April 15 ، 21:28

(Salutations to Hazrat Fatima (a.s

Peace be upon you, Oh daughter of the Messenger of Allah

Peace be upon you, Oh daughter of the possessor of outstanding merit

above all Prophets and messengers and angels 


Peace be upon you, Oh Leader of the Women of the Worlds.

Peace be upon you, Oh mother of Hassan and Hussein, the Leaders of the Youth of Paradise


Peace be upon you, Oh most truthful and martyr.


Peace be upon you, who was pleased to resign to the will of Allah and Allah was pleased with you.


Peace be upon you, Oh possessor of outstanding merit of above others,

and the pure.


Peace be upon you, who is holy and guarded herself against sins


Peace be upon you, who is knowledgably and an authority on .traditions of the Prophet


Peace be upon you, who was subjected to anger and oppression.


Peace be upon you, Oh Fatima, daughter of the Messenger of Allah, and May Allah have mercy on you and bless you.

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